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Monthly Archives: December 2015

You are a charming gardener of my soul
however unwitting
I am so grateful for you
to you
So very grateful

The palpability of my relief demands expression
That you still think of me
miss me
contact me
It fills me and nourishes my soul

I have been so afraid
of losing you
of you disappearing
(which one might think is the same as losing you, but it’s not)
of not being able to find you when I need to go looking
of being forgotten
but mostly that you’re not breathing and no one would ever know to tell me

Please don’t die.
I need you.
I don’t know what I need you for.
I just know that I do.
I do.

You have a million faces
and you’ve only just begun the introductions
I know you
I don’t know you at all
And I want to meet all of you
and love each one you share